
Outback Gliding provides tailor-made challenges that are sure to not only test your skills but also improve them. Apart from the learning experience, our challenges are also very exciting and fun.

Team Flying Challenge
Fly with a group of two or three gliders where you will perform team-oriented tasks and challenges. The difficulty of the tasks are set beforehand, based on the average experience level of your team. Optionally, our two-seater can be used with one of our instructors in the back to provide coaching.

Long Distance Cross-Country Challenge
The Long Distacne Cross-Country Challenge is a multi-day program which focuses on flying daily distance targets. In the process, you’ll discover remote sections of Australia, staying over in different places. A ground crew provides added security for back up services and repositioning in case of an outlanding.

Speed/Distance Challenge
You are provided with realistic but challenging speed or distance targets, or a combination of both, based on your experience and skill level. Guaranteed to test your navigation and flying skills to the max!